FreakinRican stole, rather borrowed w/o permission, this from
Blonde Justice so I straight up stole it from him!
To play, just cut & paste the list to your blog, and bold any of the ones that are true.
smoked a cigarettecrashed a friend's car
stolen a car we just borrowed it...
been in lovebeen dumpedshoplifted Ah....remember getting busted in Pathmark Pookie for stealing lipsticks?
been firedbeen in a fist fight
snuck out of your parent's househad feelings for someone who didn't have them back Brad is just an asshole anyway, so it didn't really matter. Angie can have his sorry ass.
been arrested
gone on a blind date
lied to a friendskipped schoolseen someone die--No! Thank God!
had a crush on one of your internet friends -- I have no internet friends. I may have a crush on Michael K though....
been to Canadabeen to Mexico
been on a planepurposely set a part of yourself on fire you never set your sock on fire to watch the fuzzy balls go up in quick flames and then die out???
eaten sushibeen jet-skiing HATED it
met someone in person from the internet-- Not my thing...
been moshing at a concert Believe it or not, we used to be rocker chicks!
taken pain killers I still do if the mood strikes!
loved and missed someonemade a snow angelhad a tea partyflown a kitebuilt a sand castlegone puddle jumpingplayed dress upjumped in a pile of leavesgone sleddingcheated while playing a game been lonelyfallen asleep at work or school used a fake id since I was 15!
watched a sun setfelt an earthquake
touched a snake trouser snakes too, baby! Grrrrr...
slept beneath the stars it's overrated.
been robbed--only of my dignity, but that doesn't count here....
been misunderstood petted a reindeer/goat They have these fainting goats in Napa that I petted AND sometimes at Christmas, they haul Reindeer into Roc Center. I've petted them too.
won a contest I win contests all the Phantom DVDs, coffee mugs, etc...nothing great though.
run a red light/stop sign I don't condone this, but when you gotta go, you gotta go. Plus, there ain't no "Right On Red" in NYC.
been suspended from school suspension. What a gyp!
been in a car accident Again, with Pookie. Remember that dumb ass Pook?
eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night---surprisingly, I don't think I've ever done this. Drank a whole bottle of champagne by myself though....
had deja vu danced in the moonlight I think I was on LSD though...does that still count?
liked the way you looked at least at one point in time I used to be so hot! Wait....I still am b!tches!
witnessed a crime saw a woman get pickpocketed, watched George Bush get elected president.
questioned your heartbeen obsessed with post-it notes I actually am! I love post-its! Especially the colored ones!
squished barefoot through the mudbeen lostbeen on the opposite side of the countryswam in the oceancried yourself to sleep played cops and robbers well who didn't?
recently colored with crayons they were at the table in a restaurant. I love coloring!
sung karaoke maybe you've heard of us? The Off Keys were regulars at a downtown dive!
paid for a meal with only coins paid for meals, cigarettes, name it.
done something you told yourself you wouldn't almost every day.
made prank phone calls Pookie and I were PRANK CALL MASTERS! For years. Even in college!
laughed until some kinda beverage came out of your nose Milk is the worst/grossest. Or soda....those bubbles totally clear your nasal passages!
caught a snow flake on your tonguewritten a letter to Santa Claus I never showed them to my mom. Therefore, I never got what I wrote....or...maybe it was because I was on the Naughty list.
been kissed under the mistletoe by your boy/girlfriendwatched the sun rise with someone you care aboutblown bubbles it's sad if you have never done this.
made a bonfire on the beach laughed so hard you pee your pants this totally happened like, last week.
cheated on a test multiple times. That's why I have the great career I have today!
been kissed by someone you didn't like gross, but I'm sort of slutty.
gone skinny dipping in a pool /lake Pool only. I'm scared of lakes (whatever's in there ain't getting out....remember Nessie anyone?).
OK, that was maybe too long, but I had fun. And that's what matters most!