Engagement is Weird...
Calling someone your "fiance" is really strange. I don't want to turn BOTS into a venue for my complaints about engagement woes, but it may very well happen. People are sooooo weird.
Here's a scene from work when I first came in with the ring (remember, I'm at a new job now so I don't know these people very well).
Boss Man: Is that a new bauble? (he really said bauble too)
Kat: Yes.
Boss Man: Am I to understand that it's an engagement ring?
Kat: Yes.
Annoying Female Snoopy Co-Worker: OH MY GAWD! You got engaged and you didn't tell anyone???
Kat: Um, well, I didn't want to run in and scream, "I'm engaged everyone!"
Boss Man: Hmmmm....so, you'll need vacation time for a honeymoon. And then come the babies....
Then he walked away muttering.
I think I'm in for quite a ride kids! And we haven't even picked a date yet!
wow, good luck on that one! but i do have to agree, getting engaged to someone is a strange thing.
oh good god. Because automatically, after the honeymoon, babies magically appear.
And. Can we have a picture of the ring? :)
Your boss sounds like an ass! I can't believe how unprofessional some people can be. Don't let it get you down. Congrats!
Congrats - don't let your boss push your buttons...
Love the advertising - I saw a lot of those signs when I lived in GA, lol!
I call my fiance my boyfriend. I told him he has to always be my boyfriend; esp. after we're married.
Also, I was working w/ the same ppl for 2 years, & didn't feel the need to tell them I was engaged either. Co-workers can be so involved in your life.
uhm seriously u need to update more i'm going craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy here.....:)
Either update the blog or close it down.
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