Thanks Lindsay Lohan...
For making otherwise normal girls look like a$$holes.
When I first saw this girl (who, by the by, was otherwise attractive and was definitely in her early 20's), I was like, "Um....does she have those old lady knee high stockings on?"
But no. She had on nude (I shudder even writing that) leggings. NUDE! Grandma nude. 70's-style, supposed to look like a tan, but actually looks like sh!t NUDE!
So I took her picture and vowed to warn other impressionable people against the dangers of leggings. In addition to that, the dangers of nude stockings of any kind.
They are just wrong, people and we can thank La Lohan for this. Consider yourself
b!tchslapped, Linds!
Sorry it's been so long between posts, but we're working the best we can.
That's total bullsh!t. We're just lazy.
I HATE leggings. I'm so happy that the BOTS are with me on this.
(except, of course, in an audrey hepburn style on 98 lb beauties with an oversized shirt and a floppy hat.)
(Ok, really, it only works on Audrey, so stop trying)
They look like they are cutting of circulation. Not a good look!
LOATHE that retarded look. The only thing missing is the hacked up flashdance top. Grrr. And yes, I did wear the leggings in the 80's. Maybe I'm just bitter and old. Missed you bitches.
Whoooo....those are nasty! Thanks for making the world a much nicer, more fashionable place, BOTS! I've missed you!!
wow, if you hadn't written the subject heading I would have thought the chick had some leg disease. Leggings must stop.
(Not you, BOTS. The leggings)
Leggings are horrible...
But NUDE leggings.....
That has got to be the WORST of the worst.
Unfortunate 80's fashion in a very, very bad way. I liked leggings on women back then and now I have no clue what I was thinking.
Wow. Just when I thought this legging retardation could not go any further. I am sorry but that looks horrible.
As a hetero guy I beg you gorgeous ladies not to do this.
If not for yourselves, do it for my penis. Thank you.
How sad.
Thank you for bring Nude Stocking Awareness to the forefront of ladies fashion.
She is a damn idiot.
I HATE THOSE!!!! i cant believe bitch brought them back!!! i hate em!!
Ew. Just yesterday I saw that bodysuits are back. Those should have died in 1990, with leggings.
I agree most likely a dancer. They look like convertible tights.
i'm giving her the benefit of the doubt that she's a dancer and was coming or going to class/performance/whatever. but if not, she's just downright lame.
best site
best site
hey leggings are kool u idiots.. even nude leggings are- she is just not wearing it right, if its a fuul length nude one it looks nice n classy..
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