That's stand RIGHT there...
BOTS is out and about and the past few days we've noticed a disturbing trend. Actually, we've always noticed this, it's just pissing me off a little more these days because it happened two times in 24 hours!
Why the fvck do people go through revolving doors and then stop, dead in their tracks, right outside of the doors? People also sometimes congregate right outside the revolving doors...again, I ask WHY?
When this happens, all the other schmos who go through the door end up bumping into these asses. Then the asses get all mad. I say, "Get the hell out of the way. Go through and keep going! Don't just stand there!!!"
i hate that shit. and i also hate when these morons try to be cute and go through two-at-a-time!
I'd just kinda hate revolving doors in general. There's nothing good that I can see about them.
The best has to be the people who walk through AND don't push. You know who they are!!! Those f*cking bi*chs who think they're to good for better watch out or I'll get BOTS to kick your a** :-)
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