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B!tch on the Street

Days and nights in New York City are tough enough without having to deal with all the sh!t this city dishes up. B!tch on the Street tells the tale of two ladies making their way through this crazy town...one freak at a time.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Pookie and I have a very busy month coming up so we've decided to take a little hiatus from BOTS.

Pookie's main squeeze (Bob) will be taking her jet setting around the world and Kat has some legal issues that need to be attended to (cough cough...30 day incarcaration...she's innocent, but did the MAN care? Noooooo...). Um, anyhoo..

These and other things will be keeping us busy for the month of June (and let's face it...the 4th of July is going to be off the hook as usual, so we probably won't recover until sometime later that month).

If we can, we'll post, but until then, our dear readers, enjoy your summers!

Don't worry, we won't forget you!

Remember to read our linked friends over to the right.

Keepin' it rizzle...

Pookie & Kat

Friday, June 02, 2006

For Everything Else...

Ride on the subway: $2.00

Deodorant at Duane Reade: $3.99

Actually using that deodorant especially when it's my head that is stuck under your rotten a$$ armpit on the subway on a sweltering humid NYC day: Priceless

Happy Friday!!!!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

***Watermelon Watch 2006***

This is normally Pookie's gig, but I had a confirmed sighting kids!

Last NIGHT (I'm talking like 9:00pm) a friend and I were coming from dinner and were walking towards the nearest 6 train entrance.

I was yammering on and on and suddenly he said, "Oh. My. God." and stopped me with the old mom's-arm-across-the-chest-when-the-car-stops-quickly move.

"What?" I asked, kind of annoyed.

"Look!" he exclaimed.

And there she was. In a Starbucks. Nowhere near the Starbucks where Pookie has been seeing her. LWL. That's right, Linda, the Watermelon Lady.

"Get your phone!" my friend cried. "Hurry! She's finishing up!"

Sure enough she was. I got the phone and whipped it out as fast as I could. What you see here (admittedly, not my best camera phone work) is LWL putting her watermelon (it was about 1/4 a watermelon), with plastic utensils and all, into a bag. You can make out the red and green (and white) clearly.

She is most likely homeless, but definitely crazy. She had all sorts of bags full of sh!t beside her and her hair was all jammed up.

She is now a NYC phenomenon.

Thanks, Linda.